Countless bridges, winding alleys, waterways with elegant gondolas, the lively harbor basin and the gleaming gold on the façades of the Renaissance palazzi: for centuries, the cityscape of Venice has exerted a magical attraction. Many poets and painters have been enchanted by the light of the lagoon and the beauty of the architecture. In the 18th century in particular, gifted painters created detailed and comprehensive portraits of the historic city, in order to meet the needs of first-time travelers to Italy. For well-to-do travelers, the vedute were handy reminders of personal memories, like the postcards of the 20th century and the selfies of today. The Museum Langmatt collection contains a series of thirteen Venetian vedute created in the mid-18th century. We do not entirely know when and under what circumstances these views came to Baden.
It is presumed that they were acquired in Turin during the first half of the 1920s. The collectors Sidney and Jenny Brown gave them a special place at the Langmatt. For many years, the vedute decorated the walls of the salon one enters after passing through the entrance area. The new presentation of the collection in the rooms of the upper storey enables a fresh perspective on this remarkable vedute series, inviting you to take a thoughtful stroll through La Serenissima.
Mi 30. Sept., 12.15 Uhr
Führung durch die Ausstellung Magisches Venedig mit Jonas Huggenberger, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter.
Mi 28. Okt., 12.15 Uhr
Führung durch die Ausstellung Magisches Venedig mit Jonas Huggenberger, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter.